Program of demonstrations and contests


asturforesta official catalog








All the sessions are structured in a “round table” format, that is, an introduction to the topic by the speakers, where each speaker will have a maximum of 15 minutes, and to end a question time from those present of another 15 minutes.

The conference will begin with a vision of the current moment of the forestry sector as a key element for the development and sustainability of the environment and the population in general.

In this second part of the morning we will try to analyze the role that forests play as natural sinks of carbon dioxide (CO2), what it means for forest owners, as well as the implementation of the CO2 Registry of the Principality of Asturias.

In the afternoon, we will highlight the importance of ownership as the foundation that supports the forestry sector with its regulatory and tax changes, as well as its claims. After the inauguration, the Spanish Society of Forestry Sciences will present the national awards and there will be an introduction to the National Forestry Congress that will celebrate ITS 9th EDITION in the town of Gijón next year 2025.

11.00 hours The forestry sector as part of the solution; economy of the future, circular economy, bioeconomy, depopulation, abandonment. Analysis.

Mrs. Elsa Enríquez Alcalde
Deputy Director General of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification.
Ministry for the Ecological Transition the Demographic Challenge – MITECO.
Government of Spain. Madrid.

Mr. Alejandro Jesus Calvo Rodriguez
Minister of Rural Affairs and Territorial Cohesion.
Government of the Principality of Asturias.
Oviedo. Asturias.

D. Gregorio Rabanal Martinez
President of HUNOSA Group.
Oviedo. Asturias.

D. Marcos Da Rocha Rodriguez
Director of the ASTURFORESTA 2023 International Forestry Fair.
Town Hall of Tineo Asturias.

Moderator: Asunción Cámara Obregón

12.30 hours Tree – CO2 binomial. Reality or fiction.

Mrs. María Torres-Quevedo García de Quesada
Deputy Deputy Director of Forest Policy and Combating Desertification
General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification.
Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge – MITECO.
Government of Spain.

D. Fernando Prendes Fernandez-Heres
General Director of Rural and Forest Infrastructures.
Ministry of Rural Affairs and Territorial Cohesion.
Government of the Principality of Asturias.

Mrs. Ana Belén Noriega
Manager of PEFC Spain.

Mr. Pablo Luis Álvarez Cabrero
General Director of Environmental Quality and Climate Change.
Department of Autonomous Administration, Environment and Climate Change.
Government of the Principality of Asturias.

Moderator: Guillermo Fernandez Centeno.

13.30 hours CO2 absorption projects in Asturias.

Mr. Gonzalo Vázquez Villanueva

Mr. Enrique Enciso Encinas
SYLVESTRIS Group Manager.

“Green Engine Project”

Mrs. Asunción Camara Obregón
Director of the Polytechnic School of Mieres.
Oviedo University.

“Carbon2Mine Project”

Mrs. Celia Martinez Alonso
Wood Technological and Forestry Center Foundation – CETEMAS.
Carbayín – Siero. Asturias.

“What characteristics does my carbon forestry project have to have to register in section B of the Asturian Registry of CO2 absorption projects?”.

Moderator: Patricia Gómez Agrela

16.00 hours Forest property management models. Regulatory changes, tax incentives and development of innovative projects.

Mr. Guillermo Fernández Centeno
Technical Adviser of the General Subdirectorate for Forestry Policy and the Fight against Desertification.
General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification.
Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge – MITECO.
Government of Spain.

Mrs. Patricia Gómez Agrela
Manager of the Confederation of Forestry Organizations of Spain – COSE.

“Groups of Producers”

Mr. Lope Gómez Ibáñez
Lawyer. Expert in Legislation and Forest Property.
Oviedo. Asturias.

Mrs. Elena Canga Líbano.
Wood Technological and Forestry Center Foundation – CETEMAS.
Carbayín – Siero. Asturias.

“Precision measurement for productive species in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula”

Mrs. Érika Martinez
Sustainable Development Management.
General Director CEO FORESIN.
A´Coruña. Galicia

“Innovations that make it possible to reconcile the production of wood and resin in Pinus Pinaster and Pinus Radiata”

Moderator: Patricia Blanco Carriles


Mr. José Ramón Feito Lorences
Mayor-President of the Town Hall of Tineo.
Town Hall of Tineo Asturias.

Mrs. Elsa Enríquez Alcalde
General Director of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification.
Ministry for the Ecological Transition the Demographic Challenge – MITECO.
Government of Spain. Madrid

Mr. Alejandro Jesus Calvo Rodriguez
Minister of Rural Affairs and Territorial Cohesion.
Government of the Principality of Asturias.
Oviedo (Asturias)

Mr. Marcos Da Rocha Rodríguez
Director of the ASTURFORESTA 2021 International Forestry Fair.
Town Hall of Tineo Asturias.

17.15 hours Delivery of the CARBAYO DE ORO.


for their special involvement in the celebration of Asturforesta, making available to the management team all the means at their disposal to achieve a new success of the International Forestry Fair, especially for their contacts for a growth in the exhibition quality of the same, and in particular, for the deployment developed in the demonstrations in real time with state-of-the-art machinery.

17.30 hours Spanish Society of Forest Sciences – SECF.

The Spanish Forestry Congress arrives in Asturias (Gijón, 2025) in its 9th edition.

Mercedes Guijarro
President of the Spanish Society of Forestry Sciences – SECF.

Marta Pardos
Secretary of the Spanish Society of Forestry Sciences – SECF.

Mr. Alejandro Jesus Calvo Rodriguez
Minister of Rural Affairs and Territorial Cohesion.
Government of the Principality of Asturias.
Oviedo. Asturias.

SECF 2022 University Awards Ceremony

Award ceremony: for the best doctoral thesis, best master’s thesis and best final degree project on forestry issues and their corresponding second prizes.

Mrs. Asunción Camara Obregón
Secretary of the jury of the SECF Awards.
Principality of Asturias.

They will deliver the prizes by the SECF Mrs. Mercedes Guijarro and Mrs. Marta Pardos, accompanied by the authorities Mr. Alejandro Jesus Calvo, Mrs. Elsa Enríquez Mayor, Mr. José Ramón Feito Lorences, Rodriguez and Mr. Marcos Da Rocha Rodríguez.

In the first part of the morning, an issue as complex and relevant as job security in the forestry sector will be addressed, along with the difficulties that it entails. In the second part of the morning, the problem of forest fires, their causes and motivations will be analyzed. In the subsequent table, the importance of quality plant, genetics and nutrition will be analyzed in order to obtain satisfactory yields through sustainable forest management over time.

On the afternoon of this day, two very topical issues will be discussed, the first of which has to do with the III Company Forum, where the role played by companies and their people in rural areas will be highlighted, especially the analysis of the pine market compared to other forest products; their concerns, forestry, management, the present and the short-term future of the pine forest masses in Asturias that are suffering today to show the need to take care of the forests and at the same time take advantage of their resources in a sustainable way, mainly their wood. The second theme has to do with the forestry role that women play in rural areas and their importance in forests and in their management.

10.00 hours Occupational Risk Prevention in the forestry sector. Presentation of the Forestry Technical Working Group ASFORESST.

Mrs. Miryam Hernández Fernandez
Director of the Institute for Occupational Risk Prevention.
Oviedo. Asturias.

Mr. Gabino Parrondo García
ASYMAS President
Oviedo. Asturias

Mr. Roberto Manteiga López
Ence Forest Health and Safety Manager
Navia. Asturias

Mr. Borja García Quintana
President of Asmadera
Oviedo. Asturias

Moderator: Isabel Sagredo Fernández

11.00 hours Prevention and extinction of forest fires. Reflection to understand and address the tasks of prevention and extinction of forest fires.

Mrs. Angela Iglesias
Mrs. Elena Hernández
Forest Fire Defense Area – ACDIF
Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge – MITECO.
Government of Spain.

D. Fernando Prendes Fernandez-Heres
General Director of Rural and Forest Infrastructures.
Ministry of Rural Affairs and Territorial Cohesion.
Government of the Principality of Asturias.

Mr. Eduardo Rubio Ribas.
Fire Supervisor Chief of the Emergency Service of the Principality of Asturias – SEPA.
Principality of Asturias.

Mr. Arturo Colina Vuelta
Researcher at the Institute of Natural Resources and Territory Planning – INDUROT
Oviedo University. Asturias.

“Comprehensive Forest Fire Strategy of the Principality of Asturias”

Mr. Juan Pedro Majada Guijo
Scientific Director of the Wood Technological and Forestry Center Foundation – CETEMAS.
Carbayín – Siero. Asturias.

“Web tool for verifying compliance with regulations on the prevention of forest fires in biomass management strips. TERRA4 project, Xunta de Galicia.

Mrs. Sandra Sánchez Garcia.
Wood Technological and Forestry Center Foundation – CETEMAS.
Carbayín – Siero. Asturias.

“Generation and dissemination of regional cartography as support in the management of forest fires (prevention and extinction)”.

Moderator: Jesús Casas Grande

13.00 hours The importance of the plant, genetics and nutrition. Analysis and experiences.

Mrs. Monica Lòpez Gonzalez
Mr. Oscar Fernandez Carro

“The importance of forest management. The Navigator experience”.

Mr. Santiago Rodal
Commercial Director of VIVEROS MAÑENTE.
Foz, Lugo. Galicia.

Mr. Fernando Román Salido
TRAGSA Nursery Manager in Maceda (Orense).
TRAGSA Group. Madrid.

Mr. Federico Ruiz Fernández
Forestry R&D Director at ENCE.
Navia. Asturias.

Mrs. Marta González
Wood Technological and Forestry Center Foundation – CETEMAS.
Carbayín – Siero. Asturias.

“New strategies to improve forest productivity”.

Moderator: Enrique Candia Bouso

14.00 hours Transforming projects based on the Forest Territory. PEFC Spain.

Mrs. Ana Belén Noriega Bravo
General Secretary of PEFC Spain.

Mrs. Arantza Pérez Oleaga
Sustainable Forest Management PEFC Spain

16.00 hours The role of Biomass in Asturias.

Mr. Indalecio González Fernández
Technical and Project Coordinator of the Asturian Energy Foundation (FAEN).
Mieres (Asturias).

“Biomass in the Energy Transition of Asturias”

16.30 hours III Company Forum. Present and future of pine in Asturias. Creation of PROPINO, a new association for the defense and promotion of pine in Asturias.

Mr. Jose Antonio Garcia Mendez.
President of the Association for the Defense and Promotion of Pine in Asturias – PROPINO.

“PROPINO Presentation”

Mr. Juan Pedro Majada Guijo.
Scientific Director of the Wood Technological and Forestry Center Foundation – CETEMAS.
Carbayín – Siero. Asturias.

“Strategic program to support conifers in the Principality of Asturias”.

Mr. Daniel Colado González.
Secretary for the Promotion of Pine in Asturias – PROPINO.

“Pine forestry. help”

Mr. Luis Enrique García García.
Manager of Maderas Garcia Hermanos
Cadavedo – Valdés. Asturias.

“Present and future of pine in Asturias”

Moderator: Marcos Da Rocha Rodriguez

17.30 hours Dalle Mio Nena: Spain’s first rural podcast in a female key. Special Asturforesta with Forest Women.

Led by the communicators Aitana Castaño and Marta Pérez
National Communication Award of the Ministry of Agriculture 2022

Interview to:
Esther Merlo,
Forest entrepreneur. Director of the R&D department of Madera Plus Calidad Forestal S.L.

Laura Vallejo,
Chainsaw operator and forest worker

Mercedes Guijarro,
First woman to chair the Spanish Society of Forestry Sciences (SECF).

Asun Cámara,
Talgo Award for professional excellence of women in engineering

In the first part of the morning and due to the expectation generated by a topic such as biomass, it will be a question of exposing and analyzing this forest resource as a use and source of energy, generating employment and wealth, covering the entire value chain from its producers such as forest owners, going through the different forestry and exploitation companies, the industry until reaching the different homes as final consumers.

In the second part of the morning, an illustrated children’s story for boys and girls from 5 years old will be presented. However, the work is much more than a story, it is a didactic material for teachers and an educational resource for families that pursues a single objective of educating the public to take care of the forests. It is therefore a work aimed at all audiences that has forestry science as its common thread through sustainable forest management.

In this story, the two visions that we forest managers encounter daily collide, those of people who are unaware that they have been using sustainably for decades and who are opposed to any action in the forest, including the felling of trees; and the vision of those who take care of them while extracting forest products such as wood in a responsible way. Well, in this clash between the two visions, is where the great dilemma that surrounds the work unfolds and that Ángela, a young lumberjack, is in charge of raising: cut or not cut trees to care for the forest?
The young woodcutter who faces the same questions that a forest manager does today: To cut or not to cut? When? How? How much? A position that he shares with the characters in the story that represent the two previous visions, the most urbanized, and the most rural, that of Silvestre and that of the woodcutter, respectively. Questions that are transferred to the readers so that they put themselves in the same situation and thus opt for one of the two.

The story is a manual for learning about forestry and forest management, as well as learning about the fauna of Scots pine forests and, of course, an incentive to arouse curiosity about forests among the little ones, the problems they suffer today, such as Endless concepts are managed and hidden in his illustrations to show the need to care for forests by people in rural areas, those who know them best and at the same time those who use their resources in a sustainable way, mainly their wood.

11.00 hours The role of Biomass in today’s world.

Mr. Steven Trogish
Internacional Sales Director en Hargassner Ibérica S.L.

“Biomass Facilities”

Mr. Pablo Rodero Masdemont
Responsible for Certifications at AVEBIOM.

“RED lll”

Mrs. María Castaño Diaz
SMartForest Research Group Intelligent Forest Management. Polytechnic School of Mieres.
Oviedo University. Asturias.

“Energy Crops”

Moderator: Javier Vigil Fabian

13.00 hours Educate to care for forests. *Silvestre and the woodcutter*.

Mr. Ángel Roldán Martínez
Valladolid. Castilla y León.

“Presentation of Silvestre and the woodcutter”.

Mrs. Asunción Camara Obregón
Director of the Polytechnic School of Mieres.
Oviedo University. Asturias.

Mr. Guillermo Fernandez Centeno
Technical Adviser of the General Subdirectorate for Forestry Policy and the Fight against Desertification.
General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification.
Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge – MITECO.
Government of Spain.

Mrs. Patricia Gomez Agrela
Manager of the Confederation of Forestry Organizations of Spain – COSE.

Mrs. Patricia Blanco Carriles
Lawyer. Expert in Legislation and Forest Ownership.
Oviedo. Asturias.

Mr. Jesus Casas Grande
President of TRAGSA.

Mr. Enrique Candia Bouso
Co-founder and General Director of Viveros Mañente.
Foz, Lugo (Galicia)

Mr. Marcos Da Rocha Rodríguez
Director of the ASTURFORESTA 2023 International Forestry Fair.
Town Hall of Tineo Asturias.

Mr. Javier Vigil Fabian.
Manager of the Technological and Business Pole of Biomass in Asturias – PTEBi
Ujo, Mieres. Asturias


A journey through the history of Asturforesta