Asturforesta Regulations 2025
Article 0. Organizers
Local Development Agency. Town Hall of Tineo La Curiscada Industrial Park. 33877 Tineo – Asturias – Spain.
Article 1. date and duration
ASTURFORESTA will be held at Monte Armayán, Tineo, on June 19, 20 and 21, 2025. By reason of force majeure, the days and the place can be modified without the right to any compensation. The Fair will remain open to the public from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., except on Saturday, the 17th, which will close at 6:00 p.m. The circulation of vehicles in the Fair is prohibited during these hours.
Article 2. space distribution
The Fair has three different exhibition areas:
- A. Outside area. These are open-air plots with a variable frontage starting at 5 meters.
- B. Inner area. These are tents of the 3×3 m or 5×5 m tents, with the possible variations detailed in the table.
- C. Biomass tent. It is about 3×3 stands inside a separate tent with a counter.
- D. Demonstration area. The Fair will have two areas for demonstrations of the machinery and items on display:
Demonstrations on the plot itself. The conditions in this area will be varied to allow all types of forest work to be carried out. The exhibitor who wishes to carry out some type of demonstration of his machinery must indicate it on the registration form, indicating the type of machinery to be used and the conditions for said demonstration.
Demonstrations in the plot enabled for this purpose. The conditions in this area will be varied to allow all types of forest work to be carried out. The exhibitor who wishes to carry out some type of demonstration of his machinery must indicate it on the registration form, indicating the type of machinery to be used and the conditions for said demonstration.
Article 3. occupancy rates
3.1. price table
AREA (m2) | PRICE (without VAT) | |
Outdoor exhibition plots | 50 m | 368,95€ |
100 m | 491,98€ | |
150 m | 609,76€ | |
200 m | 860,97€ | |
250 m | 983,96€ | |
300 m | 1.229,95€ | |
350 m | 1.352,95€ | |
400 m | 1.475,94€ | |
+ 400 m | 3,47€/m2 | |
Tent without platform and with electrical connection | Tent 9m (3×3) | 461,23€ |
Tent 25m (5×5) | 614,98€ | |
Jaima with platform and electrical connection | Tent 9m (3×3) | 885,00€ |
Tent 25m (5×5) | 1.045,43€ | |
Jaima, platform, interior stand and electrical connection | Tent 25m (5×5) with stand 16m (4×4) | 1.353,00€ |
BIOMASS TENT. In interior tent, with light, carpet and counter | Stand 3×3 | 422,33€ |
Pitch Bar / Restaurant | 350 m (35×10) | 1.352,95€ |
Electricity connection for outdoor pitches (3 days) | 220 V | 159,91€ |
380 V | 233,63€ | |
Ticket Price | 1 Day | 10,91€ |
Student | 5,45€ | |
Groups (min. 15 pax) | 10€/pax | |
Advertising in the catalog | 1/4 color page | 209,30€ |
1/2 color page | 367,74€ | |
1 color page | 532,60€ | |
color cover | 1.500,00€ | |
Inside cover color | 1.350,00€ | |
back cover color | 1250,00€ | |
Inside back cover color | 1.050,00€ | |
Website advertising | Banner of 120×60 | 400,00€ |
Banner 70×30 | 200,00€ | |
3.2. specs
Advertising: In the event that both for the advertising insertion in the Fair magazine in the options of interior cover, interior back cover, exterior back cover and advertising insertion on the back of the tickets, there is more than one interested company, it will be resolved by application date.
The price includes:
- Right to make demonstrations.
- Right to receive as many free tickets as you need to distribute among your customers
- Derecho al uso de la sala de charlas para la exposición de videos, charlas explicativas del producto que se expone, etc. (siempre que no existan problemas de ocupación y ASTURFORESTA lo considere oportuno).
- Right to use all the fair infrastructure (business hall, water points, etc.) and free parking.
- Night surveillance of the entire enclosure
- Photocopier
- Insertion in the catalog and in the list of exhibitors on the web
3.3.- Management Standards
1. The public price accrues when the reservation request for the stand that initiates the file is approved. It will be necessary for the application to communicate a bank account number to collect it. The processing of the application will not continue without the provision of the data required in the application form.
Once the license for the installation has been granted, the interested party will be notified and simultaneously the public price will be settled and the resulting amount will be billed in the account indicated by the applicant. The non-payment or return of the settlement once your billing has been issued will be understood as a resignation to participate in the Fair.
2. Once the stand has been awarded and the resulting settlement has been paid, if the latter renounces exhibiting at the Fair, or does not attend it for reasons attributable to it, they will be entitled to a percentage refund according to the following detail:
- Request more than 30 days before the fair, 75% refund Request more than 20 days before the fair, 50% refund
- Request more than 10 days before the fair, refund of 25%
- If the cancellation or non-attendance occurs in the 10 days prior to the fair, you will not be entitled to a refund.
3. When participation does not occur for reasons NOT attributable to the taxpayer, and justified by presenting the appropriate documentation that proves the reason true, the amount paid will be refunded.
3.4.- Invitations for clients, identifiers for exhibitors, access to the car park
Depending on the size of their plot, each exhibitor has a free quota of invitations for their clients, identifiers for exhibitors, access to the exhibitor parking lot and vehicle access to the stand, up to a maximum of 12 personal passes and a maximum of 8 passes for the vehicle parking. WHY NOT WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS
Exhibitors facade | 5 m | 10 m | 15 m | 20 m | 25m / 30m | 40 m | 50m / 60m | 70m | >80m |
identifiers | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 10 | 12 | 12 |
Parking access | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
stand vehicle access | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
3.5.- discounts
A) EXHIBITOR LOYALTY DISCOUNT. Those exhibitors who have participated in at least 3 of the last 4 editions will have a priority reservation of space and will have a 10% DISCOUNT, to be applied to the total price of the stand, calculated before discounts.
B) DISCOUNT FOR PROMOTION OF THE FAIR. Any exhibitor who, with his mediation, incorporates a new exhibitor in Asturforesta will have a 10% DISCOUNT, which will be applied to the total price of the stand, calculated before discounts. The new exhibitor must have a CIF different from that of the mediator and must be registered as an Asturforesta 2025 exhibitor, for which he will have to fill his own application.
C) DISCOUNT FOR PLOT LOCATED IN THE NEW EXHIBITION AREA. For those exhibitors who move or request their plot in this new exhibition area (according to the attached plan), they will have a 40% discount on the total price. Plots that are located in the usual exhibition area will not be affected by this discount. (To obtain discounts on advertising and/or electricity, you must have more than 50% of the contracted area in this area).
D) DISCOUNT FOR SHOWS IN COMMON AREA. Those exhibitors who wish to carry out demonstrations in this common area, in order to benefit from the 20% discount, must notify the organization before April 3, the day and scheduled time that the demonstration will take place, in order to disseminate it correctly in the catalog of Asturforesta. The demonstrations in this area will have a minimum duration of half an hour, being mandatory to carry out one daily to obtain the discount.
E) DISCOUNT FOR DEMONSTRATIONS ON OWN PLOT. Those exhibitors who wish to carry out demonstrations on their own plot, in order to benefit from the 5% discount, must notify the organization before April 3 of the day and time when the demonstration will take place, in order to correctly disseminate it in the Asturforesta catalog .
Asturforesta will verify that the demonstrations are held, if this is not the case, the discounts included in the sections D) and E).
F) DISCOUNT FOR REGISTRATION SUBMITTED BEFORE DECEMBER 31 of the year prior to the celebration of Asturforesta. For those applications submitted before the aforementioned date, they will have a 20% discount on the final price.
In no case can the accumulation of bonuses to which the same exhibitor/application is entitled exceed 70% of the total bonus to be applied.
Article 4. mercological distribution
Plots: Only the exhibition of products linked to the forestry sector will be allowed: forestry machinery, tools, accessories, protective clothing, etc. Interior: Consultancies, institutions, forest tools.
Article 5. multi risk insurance
The Organization will take out an insurance that will cover the risks of fire, explosion, theft and damage caused by atmospheric agents, as well as the civil liability of the organization. The theft insurance will only cover the thefts that occur during the period that the Fair is closed to the public, with the exhibitor being responsible for monitoring their plot and/or store during the Fair’s operating hours. In order to benefit from the coverage of this insurance, exhibitors must present before April 30 a complete inventory of the products and elements to be exhibited as well as their valuation, otherwise the organization will decline any type of responsibility.
Article 6. security measures
6.1.- Fire protection. It is forbidden to make fire. The spillage of fluids (fuels, oils, etc.) is prohibited. Companies displaying machinery must be provided with fire extinguishers.
6.2.-Security.- The exhibition of all those products that may pose a danger to visitors, staff at the Fair service or exhibitors is strictly prohibited. Those exhibitors who wish to carry out demonstrations must have a security and protection device for the public. The exhibitors will be responsible for the damages that, due to their fault or negligence, may cause to the visitors, to the organization or to other exhibitors, especially within their demonstration plots, for which they will have personnel specifically dedicated to security tasks. For these purposes, it will be necessary to contract civil liability insurance for an amount of not less than 300,000 Euros. The organization reserves the exclusive right to supply the tents and power supply for security reasons.
Exceptionally, corporate tents will be authorized upon request for authorization and examination by the organization.
6.3.- Inspection.- In any case, ASTURFORESTA reserves the right to inspect the facilities and demonstrations at any time, being able to force the exhibitor to withdraw certain products or adopt the security measures that the Organization deems appropriate. se reserva el derecho de inspeccionar en todo momento las instalaciones y demostraciones, pudiendo obligar al expositor a retirar determinados productos o adoptar las medidas de seguridad que la Organización considere oportunas.
Article 7. admission and billing
The process that will be followed for the contracting of the space and services by the exhibitors will be as follows: There is a formalized registration form that the Organization will send to all those interested in participating in the Fair. Said form must be sent to the Organization, duly completed, before April 28, 2025. Once the registration request has been received, the Organization will proceed according to the following management rules (Ordinance NF No. 400):
A) The public price accrues when the reservation request for the stand that initiates the performance or file is approved. It will be necessary for the application to communicate a bank account number to collect it. The processing of the application will not continue without the provision of the data required in the application form. Once the license for the installation has been granted, the interested party will be notified and simultaneously the public price will be settled and the resulting amount will be billed in the account indicated by the applicant. The non-payment or return of the settlement once your billing has been issued will be understood as a resignation to participate in the fair.
B) Once the stand has been awarded and the resulting payment has been paid, if the latter renounces exhibiting at the Fair, or does not attend it for reasons attributable to it, they will be entitled to a percentage refund (according to Ordinance NF No. 400).
C) When participation does not occur for reasons NOT attributable to the taxpayer, and justified by presenting the appropriate documentation that proves the reason true, the amount paid will be refunded.
Article 8. Prohibition of assignment or subletting
The assignment of all or part of the space and services to a company other than the one registered is expressly prohibited. However, in the case of similar or complementary activities, ASTURFORESTA may, upon request of the interested party, authorize the transfer of all or part of the contracted space.
Article 9. stand installation
The participants in the Fair will be able to start installing from 8:00 h. on June 9, 2023. The installation hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., not admitting any entry of material after this time.
Article 10. withdrawal of goods
The exposed elements may not be removed in any case, until 9:00 p.m. on Saturday June 21, 2025. Failure to comply with this will mean the impossibility of participation in successive editions.
Article 11. surveillance service
From the moment the installation period begins, the Fair has a surveillance service to guarantee the integrity of the materials and elements deposited. The Organization of the Fair will bear the costs of the surveillance service that will carry out its task from the beginning of the assembly period until the beginning of the merchandise withdrawal period. Surveillance in charge of the Organization will cover the period of time in which the Fair is closed to the public, being the responsibility of each exhibitor the surveillance of their plot and/or store during opening hours. During the period in which the Fair is open to the public, there will be a surveillance service in the common areas and maintenance of order by the Organization.
Article 12. cleaning service
The cleaning of corridors and common areas will be the responsibility of the Organization without economic repercussions for the exhibitor. The cleaning of the stores will be carried out on behalf of the exhibitor, for this, we will send you budgets from the companies interested in carrying out this service so that you can contract them directly.
Article 13. health care service
During the days of celebration of the Contest, a health care unit will be installed in the Fairgrounds.
Article 14. loading and unloading area
The Organization of the Fair will condition an area within the Enclosure to facilitate the loading and unloading of the machinery and elements transported in trucks.
Article 15. public address service
The Fair has a public address service, through which exhibitors and visitors will be promptly informed of the activities that take place at the Exhibition.
Article 16. business room and conference room service
The Fair has a reserved space, equipped with furniture, which is made available to exhibitors who wish to use it to negotiate or privately finalize an agreement.
Article 17. additional services
The Fair has a reserved space, equipped with furniture, which is made available to exhibitors who wish to use it to negotiate or privately finalize an agreement.
Article 18. fair offices
The Fair has permanent offices before and after the Fair, where interested parties can go to request information or clarify any questions related to the exhibition from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. During the Fair, the office located in the venue itself will open at 9:00 a.m. and will close at 8:00 p.m. in uninterrupted hours.
La Curiscada Industrial Park
Phone: +34 985 801 976 extensión 11
Article 19. Data Protection
In accordance with data protection regulations, we inform you that your data is part of a file for which the Tineo City Council, P3307300H, is responsible. Your data will be used for your participation in Asturforesta, as well as specific information about it. You can access your data, rectify it, delete it, limit the treatment and oppose it by processing a request to Asturforesta, Polígono Industrial de la Curiscada – 33877 Tineo – Asturias or by email
Article 20. other activities
To complete the exhibition and make it more attractive and interesting for visitors, complementary activities such as contests and talks, colloquiums, round tables, etc. will be organized. Likewise, exhibitors who wish to organize screenings or conferences about their activity must notify the Organization before April 3, 2025 and must send the content of their exhibition in writing to the organization’s offices, before that date.